Fall 2024 Survey

Fall 2024 Survey
What is your age?
How many Broadway Shows/shows in NYC do you anticipate seeing in the next 12 months?
How many shows have you seen in your local market in the last 12 months?
How many Off or Off-Off Broadway shows have you seen in the last 12 months?
How often do you come to NYC in a 12 month period?
Do you attend any of the following annually? Select all that apply.
In addition to theatre, what other cultural institutions/activities do you regularly visit/have an interest in visiting?
When planning trips, do you regularly include other cultural activities/events in your planning beyond Broadway?
Have you purchased theatre tickets as a result of a print ad in the last 12 months?
Have you purchased theatre tickets as a result of a digital ad on a website in the last 12 months?
Have you purchased theatre tickets as a result of a digital ad on social media in the last 12 months?
Have you purchased theatre tickets as a result of articles you’ve read in the last 12 months, including interviews, reviews, videos, and news?
Are you more likely to purchase theatre tickets if a production is recommended by an influencer?
Are you more likely to purchase tickets if a production is recommended by a reputable theatre news source?
Are you primarily a season ticket holder/subscriber to a series, or a single ticket buyer?
How far in advance do you typically decide you’d like to see a show (whether or not you purchase a ticket at that time)?
How far in advance do you purchase tickets to see a show?
What influences your decision to see a show? (Select all that apply)
When are you planning your next trip to NYC?
[Chicago] Where do you find out about upcoming shows you’d like to see?
[Chicago] Which of the following theatre companies do you feel reasonably aware of their upcoming productions and events?
[Boston] Where do you find out about upcoming shows you’d like to see?
[Boston] Which of the following theatre companies do you feel reasonably aware of their upcoming productions and events?
[Los Angeles] Where do you find out about live entertainment / shows in your area?
[Los Angeles] Which companies’ upcoming shows/seasons listed are you familiar with?
[San Francisco] Where do you find out about live entertainment / shows in your area?
[San Francisco] Which companies’ upcoming shows/seasons listed are you familiar with?
[Washington, DC] Where do you find out about upcoming shows you’d like to see?
[Washington, DC] Which companies’ upcoming shows/seasons listed are you familiar with?
[Atlanta] Where do you find out about upcoming shows you’d like to see?
[Atlanta] Which of the following theatre companies do you feel reasonably aware of their upcoming productions and events?
What resources do you rely on most for your Broadway news and information?
Which social networks do you most rely on for your Broadway news and information?
Which of the following long-running Broadway Shows have you seen?
Which of the following long-running Broadway Shows are you planning on seeing for the first time, or again?
Which of the following Broadway shows would you say you don’t know very much about – select all that apply. (theatre/dates/plot/cast, etc)
Which of the following Broadway productions do you currently have or intend to get tickets for?
For the shows you don’t intend to see, what could possibly change your mind?
Have you purchased any albums in the last 12 months? (Broadway Artists, Cast Recordings, or otherwise – select all that apply)